Effect of high frequency welder solution on iron oxide

The content of ferric oxide in oxidation tank also has great influence on the formation process and quality of oxide film.

Effect of high frequency welder solution on iron oxide

(1) When the content of iron oxide in the solution is short, especially the newly prepared solution, the oxide film generated is very thick, but the structure is very loose, easy to flake off, this is due to the high frequency welding workpiece surface iron ion precipitation too much, too much oxidation. Therefore, the general new mix of fresh tank liquid, must be added in advance some iron oxide lifetime iron filings.

Effect of high frequency welder solution on iron oxide

(2) If the content of iron oxide in the bath increases, the normal black oxygen momilization film will not be produced by the high frequency welder, but an opaque, reddish brown film, which is even invisible to the naked eye in severe cases.

Therefore, in the normal high frequency welding machine production, should be carried out every week * dregs, can also add a certain proportion of fresh solution for dilution and adjustment. In severe cases, the tank can be updated.

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