heat press intelligent pid temperature controller

1. Input

  Any kind of TC, RTD's standard signal of current and voltage

(see the kinds sheet of input)

2. Accuracy

Measure accuracy


Cold-end Compensation deviation

in the range of ±2℃(0~502℃ can be amended by the software)

Sampling cycle

0.5 Sec

3. Display


-1999 ~ +1999

Indicates of output, alarm, self-conditioning


4. Controlling output

Relay output

contact capacity 250VA (resistance load)

Voltage pulse output

0~12V, (suitable for the solid relay SSR)

Alarm function output

2 groups output at most, 12 modes.

Capacity of the output contact

250V AC 3A (resistant load)

  5. Setting range

Setting value (SV)

Measured Present Value (PV)

Proportional band (P)

0 ~ whole measured range (when set 0, it's ON/OFF control

Integral time

0~3600 Sec (when the time is 0, the function of integral time closed)

Derivative time

0~ 3600 Sec (when the time is 0, the function of differential time closed)

Proportional term

1~100 Sec

Hysteresis loop Width of the phase controlling output

1~100℃ (or other pv units)

heat press intelligent pid temperature controller

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